
The Institution is affiliated with the Institution of Gas Engineers & Managers (IGEM), with the name of the affiliation known as “New Zealand Institution of Gas Engineers & Managers” (also known as NZIGEM).
The Institution is governed by a council of members (Council) elected by members at an AGM.
Council is comprised of a minimum of four (4) titled office holders: - President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, and - at least two (2) additional Council Members elected by the membership.
Office holders are elected by Council Members, and all Council Members must remain fully paid up throughout their time on Council.
The term of Council Membership is indefinite, as is that of each of the titled office holders, but must be confirmed at each AGM for the period to the next AGM
Council has the right to co-opt any member of the Institution for temporary service if there are insufficient Council Members or representation on any committee, to conduct the business of the Institution.
For the purposes of holding a meeting, a Quorum of Council is four (4) Council Members made up of at least three (3) titled office holders plus one (1) other Council Member.